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How to Sell Digital Products Online – Setting Up Shop Series
Part 1 in our series on how to set up an online shop is going to deal with the selling of digital products online. I’ve trialed several ways on my own sites and settled on one particular plugin which has worked flawlessly and checked all the boxes for me – and I think it […]

3 options for how to set up an online store
In the last monthly income update I asked if anyone would be interested in a series about how to set up an online store within your website to sell your own, affiliate and other products. A few people said yes and I’m sure there are lots more out there who would be interested in the […]

Line up images with an easy html table
If you’ve ever tried to line up images in your posts on any of the blogging platforms you just might have found out that this is a sure way to drive yourself crazy! Why won’t they stop where you want them to? Why are they all different sizes, and end up in zig-zags and randomness […]

December Blog Earnings Update
A good month, although down on the previous months. Some of the projects mentioned last month are still held up or suspended, or haven’t yet come through for me for various reasons, and January looks to be still a bit down in the doldrums. But after a super-quick jump up in earnings in the later […]

WP-Ban Plugin – your second line of defence against spammers
How WP-Ban plugin can put an end to excessive blog spam comments for good! OOoh, it’s been driving me CRAZY! Canada Goose, Canada Goose, Louis Vuitton, Ugg boots, spam, spam, spam. I had it all under control with Ak’ismet until recently. Akismet in WordPress Jet Pack at least stops all this spam from publishing to […]
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