It all started innocently enough with a single question. “What do you think of advertising and sponsorship on blogs?“
I had no idea what I was starting and where it would lead! It quickly became the most read and shared post on my blog – which was a modest blog about beginner sewing and learning to sew. Readers answered a poll and I published the results here – “My blog earnings update and Blog Money Making Download”
And the response was astonishing with a LOT of readers downloading the notes and signing up for my ‘Blogging Advice Newsletter’.
Looking back, it was a rather ambitious project. My blog had only started in Dec 2012 and by the first week of February 2013 I was offering blogging and money making advice to other bloggers ! Well, I was planning to share what I was learning, not setting myself up as an expert. So that we could all share in the success – and mock my failures!
The mailing list for the newsletter grew as word got about and I decided in Feb 2013 to set up this separate website where I could share my ideas by way of a permanent record, rather than just in a mailing list. This way I hope to reach an even bigger audience and show all bloggers, old and new, young and old, male and female, whatever the subject of the blog – that earning money from your blog is not only possible – it’s fun!
Fast forward…..
to December 2015. This site fell quiet after my other blog started to become really popular and I concentrated all my efforts on that. Things continued to grow and I learned more tips and tricks, honed my blogging and money making skills until I counted my earnings to date and found I had just passed the $625,000 mark in 3 years. Not bad for a beginner.
March 8, 2013 @ 5:06 pm
I saw this blog not long ago when it was completely blank. It looks beautiful. Thanks for all your work to help the rest of us.
March 8, 2013 @ 8:53 pm
Blush – thanks. I’ve been working hard! Keen to help and share what I am learning.
August 8, 2014 @ 9:10 am
HI Deby ,
Thanks for the great information. I recently setup my business site, and will be setting up a blog to share my interior finds. I really enjoy this site and will return to learn more with each update.. I was also impressed with your personal story on your blog. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to learning more with you.
September 7, 2014 @ 2:03 pm
This is awesome and just what I need for my new blog. Thank you!
May 12, 2016 @ 6:03 am
Hi! As a Rookie, I was thumbing throw Pinterest, looking for a photo idea, when I pinned to see your company pop up to ‘follow’ – with, I might add, about 200 followers. So, I clicked on your page and then found myself here. You are an inspiration! You are a fresh breath! I am the “Rare Rookie”, with a web-site but scared to push the button – if you know what I mean. I is refreshing to see how people just like me start out with nothing and then, learn, research, discover and grow. Thanks so much for your honesty, that is also ‘rare to find’. We should be friends!
Thanks Again, Wishing you all kinds of luck.