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Find Your Blogging Voice
Welcome today to our guest Patti from Oh Mrs Tucker!, writing about finding your blogging voice. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. ~ Dr. Seuss As a young girl, I cut my writing teeth on Dr. Seuss and the lessons […]

ReplyMe plugin – commenting reply helper.
How do you deal with all the lovely comments on your site? If someone asks a question about your post, what is the best way to reply? Should you reply in the comments and risk that they don’t come back to see your reply. Or should you send the reply in an email, in […]

The Top Three Things I Learned in My First Year of Blogging
A guest post by Erica of We Three Crabs. My blog, We Three Crabs, is turning a year old in November. It has been a year of ups and downs. I started my blog as a way to chronicle the changes that were happening in our family. We moved from the Midwest, central Indiana, to […]

August Blog Earnings Revealed
August was another good month for earnings even though it was the summer, and I had been expecting a bit of a slow down. I think my slow down will come this month, but lets look at the figures then talk some more… August Blog Earnings Google Adsense – $163.61 Sverve – $28.00 Lijit ads – […]

What advice would you give to a newbie blogger?
As you may have read in the earlier article, I have just launched a new site and service setting up WordPress self-hosted sites for free. Yes really. Find out more at Blogger to WordPress. It’s not just for those who currently use Blogger, or even Its for everyone – so if you ever wanted […]
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