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October earnings report
Full steam ahead to a new record. Honestly, if you asked me how this was happening, I’d not be able to give you a totally honest answer. This year has just been amazing and successful beyond my wildest dreams. It’s been hard work – I work LONG hours, but I love it. I’m getting paid […]

The ideal time of year to promote Montage
Are you getting your site and affiliate offers ready for the holiday season? The f0rth quarter of the year should be the most intensive for your marketing efforts and you should be looking for quality products to promote, and products that would sell well especially at this time of year. Think – gift ideas and […]

September earnings report
Well, I’m actually a bit embarrassed. I was confident that the earnings of $11,597.72 that I achieved last month would be the peak and I’d see a dip this month. But actually, there’s another increase and another new record. I guess that because I was confident of the dip, and the reduction in earnings from […]

Affiliate program recommendation – Gazelle
What is Gazelle and Why Would I Use Their Services? Gazelle is an online trade in service for used consumer electronics like iPhones, iPads, Macbooks, Samsung Galaxy devices, and many other smartphones and tablets. Gazelle pays you cash for your used gadgets when you’re ready to get new ones – cash you can use […]

August earnings report – The peak
Earnings from my sites hit their peak this month, setting an all time record. But sadly its not setting a trend, its the peak before the fall. It was a final fling before the full extent of the change in cookie at my major merchant comes into full effect. But before we talk about that, […]
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