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Google – a Blogging Horror Story
Do you use Blogger for your website, and perhaps Adsense too. Then do read to be aware of the risks of dealing with Google. It was a dark dark night about a year ago. A friend and I were sat at home, alone, with the wind howling outside. When suddenly an eerie scream came to […]

New to ShareASale in March
If you are an affiliate with ShareASale, you might be interested in my pick of the bunch from the new vendors sign ups in March. Would any of these interest your readers? Gifts Joy. Sell – beads, jewellery making supplies and craft supplies and equipment Sale Commission: 30.00% Tracking Cookie lasts for 45 Days after the […]

New Pinterest Analytics
Did you get the email from Pinterest about the new analytics for Pinners with their own website? It gives interesting info on the pins made from your site, popular pins, number of repins, number of views etc and is well worth taking a look at. Here is how: 1. Get early access to the new look […]

Tiny Tips 6 – Find and fix your broken links
How frustrating is it as a reader to click on what promises to be a really interesting read, only to find that the link is broken and you end up at a ‘404 – sorry we can’t find what you are looking for’ page. Even more frustrating if the site doesn’t have a search box […]

Join Sverve for great jobs and opportunities for Bloggers
I remember looking at Sverve a little while ago, just after I had started my sewing blog, and at the time I didn’t really get it. Now I’ve had the opportunity to sit down and give it some time, I LOVE Sverve (short for social verve) and I think you are going to love it […]
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