Readers Question – what was your traffic in February
Following my posting of my February blog earnings, Diane from An Extraordinary Day asked:
Question – There is a big question for me though and that is…what is your traffic? Because that undoubtedly makes a difference too. I hope that isn’t too personal of a question to ask.
Answer – Not at all Diane. In February my little sewing blog had a total of 30,441 page views, so an average of about 1050 a day.
But as a new blogger I had to work HARD for those.
Looking at my list I can see that I have a possible 124 linky parties each week (although I never make them all) , plus I posted some of my projects on other sewing related websites such as Craftsy and Burda Style. I also posted projects to Tip Junkie, tutorial sites, free pattern sites, Craftgossip etc.
No point keeping your site a secret – get out there and get it in front of people so they can visit and follow you.
February was an interesting experiment in what is possible with hard work and a very active displaying and changing of adverts. In March I’m carrying out another experiment – what will happen if I DON’T work hard and just leave the existing adverts and do nothing else. I expect even with similar traffic to see a dramatic drop in earnings, but this should give us an idea of what is possible with the absolute minimum of input.
Traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge (Alex Proimos) / CC BY 2.0
Authored by: Deby at Moms Make Money
March 7, 2013 @ 11:53 am
linking everywhere is a bunch of work- but clearly it paid off. you can check your analytics to see which links were the most traffic driven and focus on those in the future. I’m interested to see what comes up for March. thanks for sharing!
March 8, 2013 @ 6:56 pm
I do have a couple of Link Parties that I try to post to regularly. I’ve tried posting to several different ones but have chosen those two as they are ones that actually bring visitors. When I find a new link party, I’ll give it a try for a while to see if I get any visitors from that particular link party.
But the second part you wrote about is something that I have to confess has me intrigued… “plus I posted some of my projects on other sewing related websites such as Craftsy and Burda Style. I also posted projects to Tip Junkie, tutorial sites, free pattern sites, Craftgossip etc.”
If you have time, could you explain that a little more. Thanks!
March 8, 2013 @ 7:15 pm
Hi Supermom! Thanks for the question – it’s a good one. Rather than try to reply here, I think I’ll feature this as a Readers Question – would that be OK. The I can devote a whole post to the answer. Would you like to be quoted and have a link back to your site, or prefer to remain anonymous? Deb
March 9, 2013 @ 6:32 am
Sure that would be great. More people would benefit from the answer that way. I know that not everyone has time to read through the comments on posts, so featuring it as a Readers Question would help more people and be something that your readers can refer back to more easily. Please feel free to quote my question and a link back to my site would be great as well. Thanks so much for taking the time to share you knowledge!
March 17, 2013 @ 2:31 pm
Thanks for your honesty, Deb. March will be telling. I have seen you at linky parties this month though I know you are stepping back from the intensity of it. It will be interesting to see the results. Have you received more traffic from the Craftsy, etc. sites over regular blog link ups?
March 17, 2013 @ 2:47 pm
Actually my greatest traffic so far in March has been Google followed by Pinterest. So it shows that I’ve not been linking up or promoting so much this month and by blog is being found more organically. I think this would happen over time anyway as there is more content to be found that way. But yes, I can tell already that my income is down a lot on last month. I’ve not been changing out the adverts or taking as much notice in stats etc. Also as I have devoted more time to writing for the new blog, the traffic to my sewing blog as dropped a lot.
March 17, 2013 @ 4:27 pm
My February traffic was down to around 44,000 due to my lack of posts. I’m dealing with breast cancer medication issues that will resolve soon, I hope. Linking is important but so is good content. It’s like any form of media, good content fuels the popularity engine. Look at the posts at any linky party and you will be drawn to certain images and titles. Emulate and improve! I look at the traffic sources, too, and skew my content appropriately. Good luck, ladies!