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Affiliate program recommendation – Halloween
Just time for a quick seasonal post. Halloween is coming and obviously costumes are a big seller at this time of year. If you are a member of ShareASale (and you should be!) then I have a new program for you to take a look at and join. is a huge online costumes seller […]

July blog earnings
Darn I’m in a hurry this month. Summer has arrived here in the Caribbean and it’s scorching. Too hot to stay indoors in a house without air-conditioning so I’ve been enjoying lots of outdoors time in the last few weeks, on the water and under the water. Hence, I’m a little behind and this is […]

June Blog Earnings
Well, this was unexpected! Let’s call it an unexpected bonus. One of my merchants had a great sale and my income stormed ahead – albeit just for this month, it’s not a trend. But I’m not complaining about this. Things of note during June: ShareASale – that one big sale made a huge difference to […]

May Blog Earnings
So, what’s new? Nothing much new here I admit, although the site is still in suspended animation rather than retirement. If only there were another 50% more hours in the day, then I could run two sites instead of just one. But for now, all here is not forgotten and there is still much to […]

April Blog Earnings
Another month goes by and my MMM blogging mojo has yet to return. I’ve been concentrating hard on my main site and have also been working on another site, and this poor one has been neglected. But despite neglect on this site, others are doing well and earnings are in, if reported a little late […]
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