Here is a list of all our previous postings for your reading pleasure.

What is your social media Klout?
Today we are starting to think about Social Media. I remember it was only 6 years ago that someone complained to me that they kept getting invites from their friends to this stupid thing called Facebook. They were already registered on Friends Reunited, and had a MySpace. Why would they want something else? Well, we all know […]

Free website marketing analysis
This article is reproduced from the 2nd of my early newsletters. In the previous letter we looked at how to access some important statistics for your website, and I provided you with a simple spreadsheet to track your progress. Today we are looking at all of the important features on our website which we must have […]

Free business coaching and Grow Your Profits E-book
I’ve recently been sent details of this great offer for small businesses – like you! Available for a limited time by, they have an offer that gives you a complimentary coaching session valued at $375 plus they email you a free eBook (Grow your profits by 61%). What’s the catch? Well it’s part […]

February Income Update
Firstly, a brief introduction to those of you who might be visiting for the first time. This site is new, there’s not much on it yet, but it has big plans! It all started by chance with a question and a poll on my sewing blog at So Sew Easy. That post was What do you […]

First steps to success – track your blog stats
Reproduced from the first ever newsletter I sent to my (few) early subscribers. Thank you for signing up to receive this newsletter – as I grow my blog and discover new ways to monetize it, or earn money online, I will share it here rather than bamboozle the readers on my sewing blog! So […]

How it all began and what it’s all about
It all started innocently enough with a single question. “What do you think of advertising and sponsorship on blogs?“ I had no idea what I was starting and where it would lead! It quickly became the most read and shared post on my blog – which was a modest blog about beginner sewing and learning […]