What is your social media Klout?
Today we are starting to think about Social Media.
I remember it was only 6 years ago that someone complained to me that they kept getting invites from their friends to this stupid thing called Facebook. They were already registered on Friends Reunited, and had a MySpace. Why would they want something else?
Well, we all know how that turned out.
Today there are even more Social Media options available to us, and I feel overwhelmed by it all – and some of them I have to admit I don’t really understand the need for. But I’m old-fashioned I guess.
You can compare your Social Media ‘reach’ to see how you line up against others and see how effectively you are using your social media outlets for your website.
Go to KLOUT.com – it’s free.

Connect your Social Media outlets – you can use all or some of the following:
- Facebook – link up your page, not your personal profile. If you have multiple pages, it only allows you to connect one.
- Twitter – can only connect one account
- Youtube
- WordPress.com blog
- Google Plus
- FourSquare
- Tumblr
- Blogger
- Flickr
Let Klout have access to your accounts and in a couple of days they will fully assess your ‘Social Media Klout’ and your score will be ready.
I think I do pretty poorly – I rely mostly on my blog and don’t have much activity on Twitter or Facebook – so my score is a rather average 41. I am sure that you can do much better. Some of the top Mom Bloggers have scores in the 70’s or 80’s!
If you click on Friends – you can see the scores of people you interact with – I was horrified to see that the little restaurant down the road has a higher ranking than I do. Damn it.
Want to work on social media? Then add your Klout score to your stats worksheet from Newsletter 1 and see how you can improve your rating.
Authored by: Deby at Moms Make Money