Here is a list of all our previous postings for your reading pleasure.

Tiny Tips 6 – Find and fix your broken links
How frustrating is it as a reader to click on what promises to be a really interesting read, only to find that the link is broken and you end up at a ‘404 – sorry we can’t find what you are looking for’ page. Even more frustrating if the site doesn’t have a search box […]

Join Sverve for great jobs and opportunities for Bloggers
I remember looking at Sverve a little while ago, just after I had started my sewing blog, and at the time I didn’t really get it. Now I’ve had the opportunity to sit down and give it some time, I LOVE Sverve (short for social verve) and I think you are going to love it […]

March Blog Income Update
Blogging income update for March 2013. A new record. How much money I earned from my blogs and exactly where it came from.

Tiny Tips 5 – Make it easy for readers to comment
Today’s Tiny Tip – make it easy for readers to leave a comment or ask a question. Have you ever tried to leave a comment, ask a question or sign up for something – and then come across the dreaded CAPTCHA ? This is the little box with illegible words and numbers that you are supposed to […]

Earn money with Infolinks – double money offer
Today’s scheme is easy to set up and easy to run. It’s the true definition of passive income – you can easily earn money with Infolinks doing nothing at all.

How to add cute social media buttons to your site
Many themes and templates already include a set of social media icons or buttons. But perhaps you don’t like the ones with your template, or perhaps you don’t like where they are by default and want to set up your own. Setting them up in a nice neat row can also free up valuable space […]