Here is a list of all our previous postings for your reading pleasure.

Linky Party Directory
A HUGE Directory of weekly blog linky parties with buttons and clickable links to take you to all the parties, large and small in a wide range of niches and topics. Increase the traffic to your blog by linking up your posts and projects.

Earn money with Pinterest using Viraliti
Make money pinning.. I’ve recently sent details to my newsletter followers about a new way to earn money from Pinterest. It’s something you might not have heard about yet, so it seems a good idea to share it here too. It’s a new scheme, run by a recent startup in India and I think they […]

Tiny Tips 4 – Traffic – USE your social media
Today’s Tiny Tip – make sure to use your social media to tell everyone about your latest post or project. You’ve heard me say it before – you are awesome, so don’t keep that a secret. SHOUT about it. In the last Tiny Tips I reminded you to Pin your own projects. But don’t […]

Writing a killer disclosure policy
If you earn money from your site, write sponsored posts or reviews, or receive free goods or services, or any form of incentive or reward – then you need to disclose this to your readers. The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) have published regulations requiring you to disclose your relationships with other companies and individuals relating to endorsement of products or […]

Tiny Tips 3 – Traffic – Pin what you post
Today’s Tiny Tip – increase traffic to your site using Pinterest. Other than search engine traffic, Pinterest is my number one source of traffic for my sewing blog. And my photos really aren’t very good at all, and just show a middle-aged woman in some ill-fitting dress she just made! Imagine what you could get […]

Readers Question – where best to promote your site?
In response to my previous Readers Question about my traffic in February – SuperMom (love the name) from SuperMom No Cape, asked: I do have a couple of Link Parties that I try to post to regularly. I’ve tried posting to several different ones but have chosen those two as they are ones that actually bring […]