Here is a list of all our previous postings for your reading pleasure.

Earn Affiliate Income with Craftsy
We looked recently at the affiliate program for Blurb through ShareASale and I know many of you signed up and hopefully have designed your free photo book to promote on your site, and will earn some affiliate sales commissions for the festive season. I know many of you have craft blogs, or at least crafting […]

Get more Pinterest Followers with PinWoot
We all want more followers, more fans, more traffic. Pinterest is one of the best traffic sources online for blogs, but you really need a healthy band of followers to get likes and repins, and get your pins and your blog posts and crafts etc in front of a wider audience. When you are starting […]

5 Tips for Organizing and Writing your Blog Posts
When I was getting ready to start my new blog a few months ago, I was very excited about starting a new phase in my career, but one of my big fears about blogging was – what will I write about? I did have some ideas, of course, but I kept wondering if I […]

September earnings revealed
HOLY MOLY – September was a great month. It really took me by surprise as I had expected it to be pretty quiet. But I hit a new record which I fully expect to stand for some considerable time. Everything just fell into place in the one month to make September a raving success. Here’s […]

Pay for Christmas with Blurb
I get a lot of emails and questions asking about the best affiliate schemes to sign up for, and how to make money from them. Today I am focusing on one of my favorites and show how you could pay for Christmas with sales from Blurb. So why do I recommend Blurb and what do […]

Pros and Cons of Niche Blogging
When I first started to blog in 2010, I invited my friends to give me feedback. After the initial oohs and aahs the one thing that most of them pointed at was – that I was trying to write a whole blog about jewelry and accessories and if I was smart I would write about other […]