Here is a list of all our previous postings for your reading pleasure.

Top Social Media Sites to Help Your Blog Grow
Hello! I’m Chelsey from Budget Girl and I’m so excited to be guest posting for Deby! First, a little backstory. I started blogging in October 2012. In September 2013, I began self-hosting. My desire was, and is, to monetize…which means my efforts in getting my blog seen have quadrupled. I feel that’s important to note because, without full-time-job-level effort, getting […]

What is your site’s REAL bounce rate?
If you follow your Google Analytics carefully (and you should), you will probably be horrified and dismayed by your site bounce rate. On the average blog, a bounce rate of 60-75% isn’t uncommon. That on the surface appears to be terrible. I remember thinking that there must be something seriously wrong with my site if […]

January Blog Earnings Update
A record month in terms of my Net earnings after expenses. I managed to just sneak over the $5,000 level for the first time. I really can’t quite believe it. Following a large drop in traffic in December and the fact people usually don’t spend as much in January, I had been expecting a huge […]

How to set up an online store front – Setting Up Shop Series
We looked at the various different options available depending on what you wanted to sell and how you wanted to sell it in our series introduction. In Part 1 I showed how you could easily sell digital downloads from your existing site. Now in this article we are going to look at how to set […]

Make a Facebook cover using PicMonkey
This post first appeared on Create Hype – and it was a bit more New Year then than it is now! We all have New Year’s Resolutions, but in the true tradition of self-improvement, most of them prove to be fleeting good intentions that simply take too long to achieve and are quickly abandoned. But […]

How to Sell Digital Products Online – Setting Up Shop Series
Part 1 in our series on how to set up an online shop is going to deal with the selling of digital products online. I’ve trialed several ways on my own sites and settled on one particular plugin which has worked flawlessly and checked all the boxes for me – and I think it […]