10 Ways to Use Linky Parties
Enjoy this guest post today from Becky – guess where we first met – through a Linky Party of course. She has some great tips for how valuable and useful Linky Parties can be.
Hey everyone- I’m Becky from Patchwork Posse and Plushie Patterns. I have been blogging for over 4 years now, and have loved every minute of it! I am a chatty one that loves to connect with others, and lucky for us the internet lets us no matter where we live. I blog about sewing, plushies, dolls, and anything else that pops into the busy brain. I host a Round Robin every year where others online design and share the pattern for a row on the quilt. It’s loads of fun and free to participate. This year I am also hosting 52 Quilt Block Pick Up where every Friday I post a tutorial or round up for things you can sew using your leftover quilt blocks.
Enough about me– lets get to the topic of using linky parties.
One thing that I have noticed this past year is the popularity of linky parties. They are kind of everywhere and new ones are popping up every day it seems. Even though I don’t host one, I have found others ways that they can work for me.
I have come up with 10 ways you can use the linky parties…….beyond the link up and run way.
10 Ways to use Linky Parties-
1) Host them- This is a great way to get your readers involved and interacting on your site. You can choose a topic for the party or just go with whatever. Keep with your niche topics though if you can so you don’t confuse your viewers and readers. If you are all about sewing, don’t host a flash light link up. That’s kind of weird, but do you get what I mean?
2) Participate in them- when you are on a site that has a current linky party going, why not join? Sharing your link is a great way for others outside of your niche to find you. Make sure your title is catchy and the photo you pick to show is eye catching. That will make sure get good click throughs and possible new followers.
3) In a Blog Topic Slump? Check out the mega linky list! You will find sooo many inspiring topics, projects, and ideas there. Many times something on that list has hit a nerve and sent me into creative overtime. Don’t just read through the list though- click on the links and actually read the post. Sometimes you will hit a wonderful site that becomes your new favorite blog to follow.
4) Need a round up? That list of links will help you. With your specific topic in mind, browse the linky parties for links to those that you can use in your round up. This is a quick way to search for specific tutorials or posts from a series. I find that sometimes with the linky parties there is a topic, and if you hit one that is the same as your idea- gold mine!
5) Guest poster- Heading out of town for a bit? Or have a busy week? Find a guest poster! With a list sometimes of over 200, there are plenty to choose from {pre-interview them via their blog and about page}. You can even make it easier and ask for permission to repost thier article on your site. {you will want to change the article a bit so it’s not an exact copy} If they have a project that would work perfect for what you are needing on your site, this is a great way to find them.
6) Team up’s- You will find that there are new blogs that you haven’t ever seen before and really enjoy how they do things, what they write about, and their reader numbers. Send them a quick note, get to know them. Who knows maybe down the road you will need them to help out on a special series you have coming up, or need some pin love, or whatever. Making connections with others out there is a great way to build your blog- and if you aren’t one to surf the web for hours, take a quick look at the ones who are posting in the linky parties.
7) Pinterest goodies- Pinterest is big, and it’s a great way to drive traffic to your site, or build a big following. A great way to find new things to add to your pinterest boards is through the linky parties. Make sure that when you pin it, you are from the origional post and not from the big list of links.
8) Combine your parties with others- Who say’s you have to party by yourself? Hook up with those {see #6} and make a link party for everyone to share at the same time on their blog. This does make the list super long sometimes, but you will get more exposure and looks because it’s being featured on other blogs.
9) Participate in them- no this isn’t a typo or repeat of #2. Well, sort of. Don’t think that you have to link only those posts that you have written recently. Go back into your archives and find those posts that were loved by others {lots of comments} and link up those. You can even link up ones that you think others will love, but somehow they didn’t get a lot of exposure on your blog when they were posted.
10) Make a link list on your blog. Post a link to all the linky parties that you participate in or read. That way you have quick access to the ones that you follow and can quickly add your own link to. To make the list even better and easier to use, put them in by days of the week. That way you know what day you can click on over to check if it’s up and going.
Hope you find this list helpful! If you have any other suggestions on what to do with linky parties I would love to hear. I am always trying to find other ways to use this mega list of resources.
I’d love it if you stopped by and said ‘Hello’ too– you can find me here:
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June 5, 2013 @ 7:03 am
Visiting from Frugally Sustainable – great list! 🙂 I used link parties before but then took about a year vacation. I’m trying to link up again when I have the time. It’s a lot of fun…most parties are. 🙂
June 5, 2013 @ 6:32 pm
You said it all right! Hopping from the Creative Princess link up.
June 5, 2013 @ 10:42 pm
Thanks for all the tips. I just started my blog a couple weeks ago and need all the help I can get 🙂
June 6, 2013 @ 2:48 am
Great list and ideas! I’m thinking of starting a linky party on my blog, and now you’ve given me so much more incentive to get going with it!
Thank you for your wisdom…
June 6, 2013 @ 10:20 am
Awesome tips! I love link parties 🙂 They need to fine tune the pinterest link parties. The party hosts are linking the pins back to their website and not the original poster. I have had pinterest block me from seeing the pin, because it re-directs you to a different address than the one attached to the pin 🙁 I hope that made sense.
June 6, 2013 @ 10:27 am
Great tips! Thanks for sharing.
I’m visiting today from Shabby Creek Cottage. I co-host a Linky Party Tuesday (open thru Sat) and I’d love for you to link up! I hope you get a chance to stop by, link up and leave a comment, too!
~ Megin of VMG206
Join me each Tuesday for Brag About It Link Up Party
June 6, 2013 @ 12:49 pm
Really helpful ideas….I’ve just started a blog a few weeks ago and have tried to link up to parties to get exposure….You have some suggestions here that I hadn’t considered. Thanks!
June 6, 2013 @ 7:24 pm
Great idea, found you from the project stash, following through pinterest
June 6, 2013 @ 8:24 pm
Thanks for the tips! I’m a brand new blogger (I just published my blog this week!) and I’m still learning the in’s and out’s of everything. This list helped me a lot. I found your link on A Glimpse Inside. Thanks for sharing!
June 7, 2013 @ 12:24 am
Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing!
Mrs. Lopez of Loving Life In Pink
June 7, 2013 @ 4:14 am
Thanks for the great information Becky! I am pretty new to blogging – loving it so much! These ideas are so helpful! Dropping by from Thriving on Thursday @ Domesblissity.
June 7, 2013 @ 12:50 pm
Visiting from Sincerely, Paula blog hop. I am new to blog hops and this was very helpful on how to use them!
June 7, 2013 @ 2:09 pm
Great tips! I’m currently getting my own linky party off the ground. It is live today if anyone is interested in participating: http://nicoleslifeafter20.blogspot.com/2013/06/home-improvement-diy-homemakers-edition.html
We are sharing home improvements: the DIY homemaker kind! There are some great ideas and resources posted each month with tips on improving your home in any area. Hope to have you join in!
June 8, 2013 @ 8:03 am
Hi Nicole, I’d be delighted to add your party but cannot find the code for your button. You can drop me an email with the code and I’ll be happy to add you.
June 8, 2013 @ 1:01 am
A lot of great ideas, thanks. Came from Natasha In Oz 🙂
June 8, 2013 @ 7:09 am
Great information darlin’! I was out of town for awhile and busy with kids activities and not able to link up. There is a substantial difference in how well my blog does when I link up and when I don’t! Thanks for a great post! Krista @ A Handful of Everything
June 8, 2013 @ 7:52 am
Great list for getting started on link parties! They really do help meet and greet other bloggers.
June 8, 2013 @ 10:17 am
These are some great tips. Thanks for posting them. I’m visiting from the It’s Overflowing link party.
June 9, 2013 @ 10:11 am
Party on! These are wonderful tips. Thanks for sharing.
June 9, 2013 @ 4:16 pm
I love hosting my link-up! It gives me awesome content to share with my followers on social media sites. 🙂 That being said, I also enjoy the exposure I get when I link up at a party 🙂
June 9, 2013 @ 5:02 pm
Awesome list! Thanks for sharing! A group of bloggers from the Kid Blogger Network recently started a monthly bloghop about memorable moment with your kids. It’s called Magic Moments Monday. We would love to be added! http://lalymom.blogspot.com/2013/06/explaining-birthdays-to-toddlers.html
June 24, 2013 @ 6:33 pm
I’ve added your site and party to the list Laura. Welcome on board.
June 10, 2013 @ 6:57 am
Thanks so much for the tips! As a new blogger I had never heard of link parties until I started but now they are a big part of my blogging. So fun! 🙂
June 10, 2013 @ 8:08 am
Thanks for the great list! There are a couple of opportunities I’ve been missing!
Kim @ Curtain Queen
June 10, 2013 @ 9:23 am
Awesome tips! Link parties are great resources for bloggers. Thanks for sharing at Pinworthy Projects.
June 10, 2013 @ 12:58 pm
Love this list of tips!! You’re right – there are soooo many parties out there, but they can be great for new bloggers, old bloggers, link ups, and more!! Thanks for linking up with us at the Pinterest Power Party! Hope you have a fabulous week!!
June 10, 2013 @ 7:15 pm
Hi thanks a lot for sharing this useful info. I saw it on kathewith an e.
Julie from julieslifestyle.blogspot.com
June 11, 2013 @ 8:12 pm
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
June 11, 2013 @ 10:49 pm
Awesome tips! I have pinned!
I am co-hosting this week on the Fluster’s Creative Muster Party. Thanks for sharing your creations with us! I hope you found inspiration in all of the terrific posts.
I host a (Not SO) Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop and a TGIF Link Party at my place — A Peek Into My Paradise… http://apeekintomyparadise.blogspot.com/ I would love for you to link up and follow if you like what you see. =) I follow back – I love making new friends!
I can’t wait to see what you link up next week!
Hugs, Cathy
June 12, 2013 @ 1:00 pm
This is a great list of tips! Link parties are such a great way to meet new people and find inspiration. Thanks for coming by and partying with us at Fluster Buster’s Creative Muster.
Robin @ Fluster Buster
June 12, 2013 @ 9:34 pm
Great Tips! Thanks for sharing them.
June 13, 2013 @ 10:12 am
Great ideas! I just posted about how I handle the logistics of linky parties (linking up without spending all day on it!). http://titus2homemaker.com/2013/06/why-and-how-to-use-linky-parties/
June 13, 2013 @ 7:40 pm
Awesome ideas as always! Thanks for partying with us at Give Me The Goods Monday!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
June 14, 2013 @ 2:31 pm
This is super helpful Becky, thank you! I don’t know why I didn’t think to pin my favorite recipes and ideas from linky parties for safekeeping {duh moment for me right here, lol}.
June 14, 2013 @ 10:39 pm
great tip especially number 10!
June 20, 2013 @ 9:33 am
These are great tips! I have been linking up about 3 posts a week for a couple of months now and I’ve seen a HUGE increase in my traffic – tripled at least. And I’ve been tons of new gals through linking up. I love it! I also love that three of my posts are in your image you created for this post. Ha! Too fun!!
March 6, 2014 @ 12:56 am
Awesome post, Thank Stacy for the valuable information, thank Rachel for the useful link, I’ll get more traffic for my blog with Linky Parties from now